ISM Non-Manufacturing and Manufacturing PMI

Last Updated on 9 September 2022 by

Historical data for backtesting

U.S. ISM Non-Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI)

U.S. ISM Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI)

Euro/US Dollar – source: FXCM,

Best Trading Strategy (Optimization)

Trading condition: Going LONG Eur/Usd, day after the latest PMI release, if actual PMI is greater than previous PMI, and going SHORT Eur/Usd, day after the latest PMI release, if actual PMI is less than previous PMI.

Backtesting strategy on Manufacturing and Non-Manufacturing PMI
Backtesting Optimization Euro/US Dollar and Non-Manufacturing PMI: 1% Stop Loss (1% risk of 100k account’s balance) and 1% Take Profit is the best setting to get less drawdown.
Backtesting Optimization Euro/US Dollar and Manufacturing PMI: 1% Stop Loss and 3% Take Profit is the best setting to get better relative performance. 3% take profit is more reasonable and realistic than a 10%.

Trading Strategy Equity Line vs Buy&Hold

Optimized strategy and equity line (green line) of Euro/US Dollar and Manufacturing PMI. 1% Stop Loss and 3% Take Profit setting, versus Buy&Hold equity line (black line)
Optimized strategy and equity line (green line) of Euro/US Dollar and Non-Manufacturing PMI: 1% Stop Loss and 1% Take Profit setting, versus Buy&Hold equity line (black line)
Optimized strategy profits and losses of Euro/US Dollar and Manufacturing PMI: 1% Stop Loss and 3% Take Profit, over past years
Optimized strategy profits and losses of Euro/US Dollar and Non-Manufacturing PMI: 1% Stop Loss and 1% Take Profit, over past years
Optimized strategy profits and losses of Euro/US Dollar and Manufacturing PMI: 1% Stop Loss and 3% Take Profit, over past months
Optimized strategy profits and losses of Euro/US Dollar and Non-Manufacturing PMI: 1% Stop Loss and 1% Take Profit, over past months

Giancarlo Pagliaroli

Disclaimer: The information and publications are not meant to be, and do not constitute, financial, investment, trading, or other types of advice or recommendations supplied or endorsed by the author.

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